The battle for your life one day at a time

The battle for your life maybe not resemble the epics but do not be fooled, they are just as epic.  The battle for your life is no less scary, real, brave, noble, and no less important for your survival.  Temptation arrives at your doorsteps every morning and the battle for your life begins whether you feel like it or not.

No one can understand the battles you face, the ruthless ones you have faced in the past.  No one can fight your battles for you.  These are your battles.  These are your battles that you summon all your forces to wrestle each day because only you will understand the visceral turmoil of defeat and the gallant glory of victory.

All you can do is fight temptation when you are called to battle.  There is no guarantee that you will win the war, only that you are given the opportunity to fight the battle for your life, one day at a time.



The Fear Vaccine

The best vaccine is the one we choose everyday.  The best immunization is the one against fear.

What’s the inoculum?  It’s the courage to try something scary.  It’s the choice to be vulnerable.  It’s the bravery to speak up.  It’s showing up every day in the face of fear.

When we choose to be bold enough times, we build antibodies against the fear.  They help us to quarantine the fear into the corner room.  While we’ll never eradicated the fear, we learn to contain the outbreak.  We learn to prevent the spread of fear from consuming our lives.