Wasted time

How can that be controlled that was always free?
How can that be wasted that was never ours?
Wasted time is but time that evades expectations.
If we learn from it, time wasted turns into time gained.

Time is the story we tell ourselves to explain the journey of our lives.
To understand it is to create our personal legend.
To honour it is to respect its sacred wisdom.
To accept it is to embrace its passage without fear.

Reptilian Desires and Imperfect Heroes

I love passively indulging in our reptilian desire for Hollywood blockbuster action flicks as much as the next person.  But I’ve always felt that good entertainment also leaves a little for the imagination.

A hero that is imperfect and grows throughout the films challenges to examine our personal expectations for their actions.  A villain that shows elements of compassion forces us to break the lazy mold of black and white bookkeeping, to use our imagination instead to enhance the experience.