The Magic of Bold

Being bold is an area where I’ve dropped the ball recently.  Its an skill that doesn’t come naturally to me and one I need to constantly remind myself of.  Being bold is scary.  It’s intimidating.  Being bold is so easy to avoid and cover up.  But I’m reminded of its beauty when I reflect on when I’ve been bold in the past and the surprisingly wonderful experiences that come from it.  The German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe sums it up best:

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin It! Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

There’s something special and magical about boldness.  There’s  a certain genius that arises out of boldness.  Choosing to be bold has an unsuspecting power that cannot be predicted or understood before.  Choosing to be bold is choosing to play the game.  Choosing to be bold is saying yes to life in face of the fear.  Choosing to be bold is choosing to roll the magic 8-ball and seeing what life has to offer.  Choose to be bold!  Let me know in the comments how you are choosing to be bold. 🙂