Travel and Moving

The more I travel, the more I realize I’m not simply moving physically, but also being moved internally.  I’m also being moved mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

When we travel, we’re moved to strokes of insight.  We’re moved to shots of awe.  We’re moved to bursts of frustration.  We’re moved to a deeper sense of purpose and meaning.  We’re moved to tears of sadness.  And we’re moved to tears of joy.

When we’re moving on the road, we may no remember what we saw or what they said, but we never forget how they made us feel.  When we strip away the comforts of home, we create room to be moved.  And this might just be the best kind of movement.  😉

On The Road

The air tastes sweeter

The faces beam brighter

The landscape sings to sublimity

The sky dances to the music

The milky way paints the starry night

The sunbeams hugs our soft skin

Freedom seduces love in foreign fields

Life inspires new meaning